Tuesday, April 4, 2017


                             IT'S NOT AS HARD AS YOU THINK!

 When it comes to seed planting, you will find that germinating, fertilized soil and plenty of sunshine will start you on a grow of beautiful plants. Here are the basics needed to start growing your own medical cannabis from seeds.

Remember to check with your local laws and regulations authorities to

CONFIRM THE NUMBER OF PLANTS you can legally grow!

Start with large healthy seeds, these seeds you can see are starting to
sprout and generally, the larger seeds are quite often the healthiest and
will yield heartier plants.

You will then start to see tails growing after about 2 weeks of setting them
on wet paper towels, wool, or some porous type material. Make sure you keep them in a dark place and don't forget to spray them with purified or distilled water everyday! It is best to keep your seeds contained in a plastic box or tray and they grow best when kept in a drawer during their germination. Contrary to what you might think, It is best to keep them out of the sun. After about two weeks, you will see sprouts growing like this:

while seeds are still in their dark space, you can watch the seeds growing
their “tails”, this usually takes about a two weeks after germinating before the
sprouts can be planted. The seeds you see above are ready for planting!


This is also a good time to start letting your plants see the light of day!  As soon as you plant them in the plastic container above, it serves as a mini
greenhouse that provides moisture and a proper environment for them
to grow.

When the seedlings are about the size of third plant to the right, in the image below, you can start to plant them in 4” pots, or even bigger pots
if you like.

After this stage, you can follow instructions below  for planting!

When the seedlings are about the size of the third plant to the right, in the image below, you can start to plant them in 4” pots, or even bigger pots
if you like.

When you get to this stage, you can follow these instructions for planting:


Make sure you are not planting in the frost time of year!

If you keep a fan to the young plants, letting them wobble to the fan that blows, you will have plants with nice thick stems to be able withstand harsher
climates and especially gain strength to hold the monstrous buds!

For now your plants are healthy and thrive sunshine.. they even like direct sunlight, but usually it's best to keep them in partial shade somewhat.  Be sure you keep your top soil from drying out!

CULTIVATING / Clipping the plant

These are the “nodes” of the cannabis plant.  You will see that each shoot is present at each node. Clip the plant stems at the 3rd node counting up the stem of the plant. 

                                This will be the result of your clippings.....

A beautiful cannabis plant in it's “vegetation form” You can see that the baby shoots sprouting from the stem nicely in twos.

These two stems will grow from the initial stem and will eventually grow
twice as many buds, and keep your plant from being tall with less foliage as the plant matures.


A relatively inexpensive and also tried and true and even one of the best methods is composting. Composting is nature’s way of really highlighting the circle of life. Any organic material you might have lying in and around in your backyard is sufficient for composting. This can take the form of stashed away dog feces or it can be the product of decayed oranges from an orange tree. You could even combine different organic materials that have been lying around for months or years at a time. Although it might strike you as a gross way to make a fertilizer, but it is one of the best and most natural ways.

OR of course, you can go with the more traditional route by simply purchase an organic potting soil from your local nursery or hardware store.  Remember that a good soil with light fertilizing at each watering will yield large beautiful plants that will supply you with plenty of buds!


The fruits of your LABOR (so to speak) and your reward! A beautiful, bountiful cannabis plant!

Do you have any growing tips to share?